Dear techno sapiens,
I am so grateful for you. When I started Techno Sapiens, I knew only a couple of things. I knew I loved to write. I knew I loved psychology research and trying to apply it to my own life. I knew this whole parenting thing was going to be a wild ride, and that writing about it might help me along.
What I didn’t know was that two years later, I’d be doing all that writing for an audience of 20,000 (!!). I didn’t know that Techno Sapiens would become one of the most fulfilling aspects of my professional life. I didn’t know I’d love it so much. And I didn’t know that an incredible community of Internet friends (that’s you!) would make it possible for me to keep doing this thing that I love.
Oh, and I definitely didn’t know how much vomit would be involved in parenting (see below)—but, of course, I’m sure you all could have told me that.
So, on this (belated) Thanksgiving (again, see below), I want to say thank you for your support of Techno Sapiens. This community has, quite literally, changed my life.
From my baby-carrier friendly desk to yours,
Scroll down for a quick Thanksgiving recap. My hope is that you will both enjoy it, and also be sympathetic to its virus-borne delay. You all are, truly, the best.

Thanksgiving 2023: A gratitude progression
7:00am: It’s already 7am? I’m grateful that the baby slept until now! I’m grateful for this perfect family! I’m grateful for the sunshine and the fresh air! I’m grateful for this beautiful planet! I’m grateful for my family’s health!
7:05am: Ah, the sweet sound of my toddler waking up. I’m grateful that he just has that slight cough, which I’m sure is nothing to worry about!
7:10am: Me: Good morning, buddy! It’s Thanksgiving day! I’m so grateful for you! Toddler: I’m grateful for the sound machine.
12:00pm: I’m grateful my toddler directed his cough entirely into that container of chia seeds! At least he won’t spread it to the baby this way. I guess we should throw those away?
12:05pm: I’m grateful my toddler wiped his nose on the baby just that one time, and now he knows not to do it again!
12:06pm: Okay, two times.
5:00pm: I’m so grateful for this Thanksgiving dinner we’re about to eat, and to my in-laws for preparing it. And I’m grateful my toddler is still napping, so we’ve had time to feed and change the baby, who still seems to be feeling great!
5:05pm: Alright, I’m grateful that my toddler contained his vomit to the crib. Makes it easier to clean up! And I’m grateful we thought to bring an extra outfit for him. We are great parents!
5:30pm: Okay, I’m grateful he threw up multiple times before sitting down to the table. At least it’s out of his system!
5:31pm: I’m grateful he’s wearing this bib, so I can catch his continued vomiting in there as our family lifts their glasses to toast.
5:33pm: I’m grateful we still have this last outfit change for him!
5:35pm: Oh, nope, okay, we’re done with clean outfits.
5:45pm: I’m grateful to my in-laws for being such patient and loving grandparents, especially as he screams JUST WANT TO GO HOME from my lap at the table.
6pm: I’m grateful to have two hands, so that one can wrangle the crying toddler and the other can shovel corn casserole into my mouth.
7:30pm: I’m grateful that this 6th vomit made it (mostly) into the trash can!
8pm: I’m grateful for washing machines.
9pm: I’m grateful for Ben & Jerry’s and my couch.
9:30pm: I’m grateful that the baby just has this slight cough, which I’m sure is nothing to worry about.
When my now 18 (19 Dec 21st) son was a toddler never attempted to aim for receptacle, it’s next to him? He didn’t care. Hope y’all are on the road to feeling better. All of us sapiens are grateful for you, your wisdom, and your willingness to share with us
OMG!!! I am laughing out loud. You are the best. I am thankful that you are all feeling better.