Oh my gosh I love asking toddlers questions like this! We have a weekly tradition of saying something we all love about each other. Hearing our 2 year old mumble an answer about why she loves someone tends to start with things that make sense, like playing with me, and then evolve to talking about things she can see around the room too 😂
Oh my gosh I love asking toddlers questions like this! We have a weekly tradition of saying something we all love about each other. Hearing our 2 year old mumble an answer about why she loves someone tends to start with things that make sense, like playing with me, and then evolve to talking about things she can see around the room too 😂
Btw I love the idea that your toddler is sharing just a part of their best day. My kids frequently have "best day ever"s, so it could really just be that every single day is THE BEST
Oh my gosh I love asking toddlers questions like this! We have a weekly tradition of saying something we all love about each other. Hearing our 2 year old mumble an answer about why she loves someone tends to start with things that make sense, like playing with me, and then evolve to talking about things she can see around the room too 😂
Btw I love the idea that your toddler is sharing just a part of their best day. My kids frequently have "best day ever"s, so it could really just be that every single day is THE BEST