I just really wish there were one or two mentions of "... especially for mothers" thrown in there.

So much of the research (including the research cited throughout the advisory) shows clear gender differences and the advisory skipped over that completely.

(although I am guessing this was entirely on purpose in order to get widespread attention on the issue)

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So many important recommendations in this post! Thank you!

Also, the LetGrow stuff seems important, too. (Letting kids have more free play without parents.) https://letgrow.org/

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I am surprised the Government is not putting “free universal children care for children under 4 yrs” as their priority. My kids are already grown. But after listening to the podcast “ No one is coming to save you”, it shined light on such a stressed so many parents have for young children.

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YES! #1 solution. Right behind Paid Leave.

(but seeing how this all went down with Build Back Better, we have a lot of work to do to make this a culturally acceptable solution)

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What are “school-based programs for parents”? What’s an example?

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Great question! The advisory gives a few examples - schools can provide both opportunities for social connection for parents, and also access to resources. One specific example - some Head Start programs offer group classes for parents that offer guidance on common parenting challenges (see https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/parenting/article/parenting-curricula-review-databases).

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I too need to write something, though I started to write my article months before the advisory. So, I have a slightly different angle on it: https://johnmoyermedlpcncc.substack.com/p/why-child-maltreatment-should-be?r=3p5dh

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"Duh" I completely agree in your immediate response, but OMG what a game changer for it to be acknowledged and in conversation. The world is moving to more conscious awareness and I'm here for it! Thank you for sharing!

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