I’d like to see porn defined. It isn’t clear to me why it should be obvious that kids seeing it is bad. Seeing violent, objectifying, etc content- yes. Is that the definition of porn? Our species evolved with children watching their parents having sex. Separate bedrooms and privacy are modern inventions. I’ve read studies that teaching about female pleasure can decrease rape. (See book girls and sex) Might a sight like omgyes.com be good for kids?

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Thank you for a nuanced article on a very fraught and polarising topic. People have very strong opinions on this one.

I know the idea that porn isn't "addictive" or atleast that "it is still being debated..." sounds very counterintuitive to many of us who don't actually conduct or read the research. With the conversation becoming more heated when talking about teens and adolescents.

Thank you for tackling this one and I look forward to part two.

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