1 Comment

This was a great read. Thank you for condensing this information in an accessible manner. I had some thoughts/responses to the material in the article:

1. The idea of pre-sets and intention-setting seems to be a great idea. However, I was wondering if all of us (let alone teens) 'always' have a clear intention/goal in mind when we pick up our smartphones to use a particular app. On the contrary, it seems that we have developed a need to be 'constantly stimulated' as soon as we find some time on our hands (a friend is paying the restaurant bill, let me check my phone; I just got done with an exhausting lab meeting, let me check my phone etc.). In this light, do you still think that the preset idea will be useful? Further, there's the additional fact to consider that executive control is still under development for most teens.

2. I was wondering if there is any literature that has documented suicide contagion in the pre-social media era. Maybe comparing suicide contagion today to this literature might highlight important differences.

3. A more robust idea that would possibly allow for seamless parental control would be to implement a KYC (Know-your-customer) procedure for social media. That is, for creating a social media account, you need to upload your national ID (as one would do in a bank or for creating an AirBnB account) (I am aware that this move in itself is very problematic). The system would scan this ID and if you are U-18, you need to nominate an adult for parental supervision. Else, you can't create an account. This would be much harder to hack around for teens, I think

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