I hate that AAP statement on trampolines so much. It is a capsule of everything that is wrong with modern parenting advice.

When I checked the same number of kids are hospitalised for bicycle accidents as trampoline accidents. Obviously the *rate* will be different since way more kids bicycle than jump on trampolines. But the AAP statement doesn't say anything about rates, only about total numbers. So playing by their game, bicycles are also too dangerous for children.

But like most modern parenting advice the AAP 1) gives a free pass to anything considered "normal" (e.g. riding a bicycle) while anything considered new or different is help up to an impossibly high standard. (See also: "don't eat sushi while pregnant".)

But 2) there's also no discussion of cost-benefit. There is implicitly assumed to be zero benefit, thus no risk is tolerable. But your kids being able to independently play in a physical way in your own backyard or even a relatively small patio is huge! How many other options are there that tick all those boxes?

Trampolines are the very definition of "risky play" and the AAP should be giving guidance on how to do it more safely. Not telling parents to avoid them at all costs. Just look at the framing: are they "safe". What does "safe" even mean? Zero accidents ever?

I'm pretty sure cars hurt way more kids than trampolines, anyway.

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This is really interesting - I need to do more reading on it, but to your point, this study argues that trampoline injury rates are comparable to other sports - https://publications.aap.org/journal-blogs/blog/27465/Look-Before-You-Leap-Trends-in-Trampoline-Park.

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That's a great link, exactly the kind of information parents should be looking for.

For those who don't click: the study found that per-hour rates of injury for trampolines are lower than for tennis. And that's at a trampoline park which has double the rate of injury as an at home trampoline.

Now imagine if that first AAP article said "trampolines at home are half as risky as your children playing tennis, so we recommend them as long as these guidelines are followed x, y, z."

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My best recommendation is to get a big roll of white or brown paper, cover the kitchen table with it, put out art supplies and let them color/draw directly on it. It keeps them occupied for so much longer than single sheets of paper and they feel like they're getting away with something by "coloring on the table"!

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Such a good suggestion!!

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We have an indoor climbing frame (like a Swedish ladder but with money bars and a rope swing attachment), and it is the best! Every kid that comes to our house has to show their parents the cool climbing frame before they go home

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Omg so cool!

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My winter activity in Minnesota is just getting them dressed to go outside. I have four kids close in age so clothes on and off can eat up almost an hour. Haha.

We do winter bonfires on the driveway (very weird in the suburbs). Whenever there isn’t (much) snow, we’re scootering. I have a cargo bike with a rain cover (expensive but I bought in 2020 and will resell, worth every penny) that’s quite warm even in November. We have a certain “nature spot” (basically a a parking lot by a lake) that we walk to almost daily so we have a goal. We are currently measuring the temperature of the water every day as it freezes. My kids play in my heated garage while I workout. There are so many interruptions. So many. But we’re in it together. We got very into watching the sunset this fall.

For indoor activities, chess! We started around three, my oldest two now host tournaments with their stuffies and playmobil guys. We also have an indoor play gym in our basement… we had twins in 2020 in Minnesota so again, worth it!

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Ha! Getting them dressed to go outside is great, because it also doubles as a workout for me...Love these ideas!

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This list is so great! Thank you!!

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Thank you!

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This is a great list. Thanks so much for putting it together. My kids loved their PlasmaCar, and we're also big trampoline fans.

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Thank you!

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This is SO helpful!!! Thank you!!!

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Thank you!!

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