Such great content. Our son's high school at the first parent event in the Fall said "Parents - please don't text your kids while they are at school. We have students who tell us they have to keep their phones one because their parents want to be able to reach them. Your kids are at school. Let them be here. Let them concentrate. If something urgent or important comes up, we'll reach out to you. We promise."

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Great post! I teach middle school, and sometimes I can tell when a student does *not* have social media. For lack of a better term, they seem more... normal. Perhaps like an average student ten years ago.

Parents especially need to take charge with Points 10 and 11. My class sleepers rarely have insomnia like we, as adults, would have had it. It's either video games through the night or phone use through the night. I like to think that as a society this is just a phase and we will find equilibrium. Maybe. Hopefully.

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Love all of this, except for that kids feel they have to respond immediately to their parent text messages at school. Parents: please, please, please don’t text your kids at school. Also, don’t frame a phone as a “necessary safety device” because that just causes kids to feel unsafe when a teacher requests that phone be put away for a lesson.

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